
Chirstchurch, NZ

Aki是我去年在Couchman BBH, Room 22换宿六位伙伴之一。来纽西兰打工度假之前,他一个人骑着“小绵羊”(Suzuki, Yamaha那类)电单车差不多环游了日本本洲岛。日本人这民族因为很少长假,也很少国内旅游,海外旅行充其量也只是随团,更不会这样的举动。所以,当我听见Aki那么说的时候,心里头确实吃了一惊,打从心底更欣赏这男孩。




Aki was one of my ex-accomodation partners in Room 22, Couchman BBH. He almost traveled the main island of Japan before he came to New Zealand for Working Holiday. As I know, Japanese hardly to have long vacation and they prefer travelling with tour. I was surpised by Aki and it was very impressive.

In Couchman, Yen and I always enjoying to watching Aki. No matter what he is doing, he always looks concentre for everthing and never realise what we done on him.

I always have a thinking, a guy like Aki, you even can feel that a sympathetic, comfortable atmosphere is suroundding by him.
However, Aki thinks he is too quiet and hopes to become a more cheerful boy. There is one thing he never know, no matter how, a boy as "original" Aki is always ours best Aki.


Josh said…
meizi said…
可能他们都有张典型传统的日本男人脸蛋? ;)

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